Monday, May 20, 2013

Barcelona Brings Together the Best of Buddies

Where our voyage ended, my Euro-trip began!

That final day on the ship, as well as the three days prior, left me with one of the most interesting mixes of emotions I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m still going to need more time to process all of it. On the one hand, I was understandably sad and upset about the trip ending and having to leave what have become some really amazing friends. But on the other hand, I was so incredibly thankful and happy to have had the experience at all, that it was difficult to be sad.

Those dueling emotions left my on a roller coaster of laughing and crying that lasted for hours.

That was until we got to our apartment in Barcelona.

One of the girl’s parents generously offered us a place to stay for a few days in Spain, and we were shocked when we realized that it was a massive, fully furnished, wifi-ready apartment. After spending the last 4 months living in 100 square feet of fun with another human being… to say we were elated would be an understatement.

After settling into the apartment and taking quick naps, we walked to my favorite restaurant in Barcelona, Tapas 24.

Apparently I had hyped this place up just a little bit on the ship, because we ran into some other friends while we were there. We sat for hours talking about the amazing trip we had just completed. It was really a special meal.

That afternoon we indulged in even more napping (I had slept 5 hours in the previous 50 hours on the ship) before heading out to dinner with Julianne’s parents. They had been in Barcelona for a few days, and found a great Arabian restaurant where we ate tons of food and had hookah yet again.

That night, after even more reminiscing and revelry, we went to a local club to meet up with other people from the ship. After some confusion at the door (apparently tennis shoes are frowned upon for boys in Barcelona), we spent the entire night dancing until the sun came up… literally.

The next day was another slow start, but considering how little we had all slept during our last few days on the ship, it was much needed. We actually didn’t leave the apartment until around 6pm when we headed out for a surprise dinner.

Our cabs took us to this adorable part of town with small winding roads and castle towers.

Little did we know that our surprise would be dinner… and a show!


Such a great meal with wonderful people and some of the most entertaining dancing I have ever seen.

After dinner we regrouped at the apartment and headed out once again to meet some of our friends.

This time, we met at a local bar that was a little more relaxed than the night before. Once again, the reminiscing continued (this is getting old, huh?), and we stayed up late talking about our plans for the rest of our time in Europe. Missing these people already!

The next day we forced ourselves out of bed at a more respectable hour and walked around the city. It was raining, but we still got in a ton of cool sights.

We went to a massive food market.

Saw the Cathedral of Barcelona.

Took some fun pictures in the rain.

Went to La Boqueria on La Rambla for some incredible food and amazing chocolate.

Went to the National Museum.

Got some good art time in… and some silly art time…

Took some incredible pictures.

Got a great view of the city.

And did it all in time for dinner!

Later that night, we met up with one of our friends and his parents for a huge goodbye dinner.

Then, of course, we had to go out to celebrate.

This time all the parents came with us. Mom… wishing you had been there! You would have loved it! Razz-ma-tazz… like 100 clubs in one… did not disappoint!

We spent another night dancing until sunrise and making our way home in the rain. Great night, once again, with a great group of people.

The next day was my last one in Barcelona.

I somehow convinced the group to wake up early enough for church, so we got the chance to experience Mass in Barcelona. I even went to confession in a mixture of English, Spanish, and Italian… truly a unique experience.

After that, we had a quick lunch, and our group split up. I decided to take some time alone in the city and go on a run from our apartment to the Sagrada Familia church, one of the more famous Gaudi structures in the city.

The run was my first alone time since Hong Kong… approximately 3 months prior.

It was refreshing to say the least.

Plus I had some pretty things to look at!

Just as pretty as the last time I got to see it with my family!

From the church, I ran back to the apartment to meet up with everyone for dinner. We left the parents behind this time, and met up with our friends on La Rambla for our last dinner together.

Having figured out that it’s easier to endure sad things when you make them funny, we bought pitchers of sangria, found the longest straws we could, and went to town!

Great dinner!

From there, we went back to our favorite Arabian restaurant to finish of our night with hookah, wine, and of course, memories. We sat for hours telling stories and sharing insights from the trip, wondering what would come next, but mostly just not wanted to let go of what had just happened in the last 4 months.

It got emotional… I’ll just say that.

Although the goodbyes were hard… really hard… I was so grateful to have one last night with everyone.

Barcelona was amazing, but the trip doesn’t stop there.

That night at dinner, I decided to meet up with some friends who were traveling to Marseilles, France the following day.

So adios Spain and bonjour France! Here I come!

Question of the Day: Goodbyes are always hard. How do you make them easier?

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