Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mauritius Does the Body Good

Oh Mauritius… how I needed you!


This is going to sound awful, but I’m just going to say it… by this point in the trip we had gone so many places so quickly (and never really rested in between) that I found myself wishing for a vacation amidst what already looked very much like a vacation.


The gorgeous island nation of Mauritius was that much needed break.


As soon as we pulled up to the dock, I realized we were in for a treat… this place was stunning!



So lush and so green! It felt like pull the boat up to dock in Pandora.


We only had one day in-country (sigh) so we decided it was best spent on the beach, soaking in the gorgeousness that the country had to offer. So 5 of us set out to explore the markets and make our way to where sand met water.


The markets were pretty adorable, and all of the people we met along the way were incredibly friendly.



From there we made our way down to the beach, which was… wow… just wow…



The water there was so unbelievably blue.


We decided to get a little activity in before cocktail hour so we chartered a small boat to go snorkeling.



And with our trusty guide, we were on our way!



We flipped around in the water for about an hour with very limited gear, then came back to the beach for some drinks and relaxation.


I just can’t get over how amazingly beautiful this place was. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing the sights, and I’ve loved most of the ports thus far, but there’ s just something about blue sky and open water that sets the mind and body at ease.



We spent the whole afternoon relaxing before heading to a restaurant for lunch and finally back to the ship. But not before a couple more gems:





Such an amazing day to break up the trip between India and South Africa- our next highly anticipated destination.


See you in Africa!


Question of the Day: Where was your last beach getaway?



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